Saturday, August 11, 2012

Drop-Out - Opt-In Theory of Career Development

Drop-out theory of career development
In a career development process if a student does not get admission in a program of his interest because of low marks, or lack of financial resources, then s(he) drop-out of competition and rely on the remaining educational options on a career ladder. Occupations on these career ladders are defined by actual or perceived demand of particular occupation.
Every students aims for the highest paying and reputable professions. To get into those occupations students either need to have a degree from a reputable university or program of studies. But no one ever did a statistics of how many people are in those profession and how many of them are earning highest salaries.
This drop down effect happens only when students does not look inside and ask what they really want, instead they look outside and ask what others are doing. In this process they lost the opportunity to define themselves, their career and success in life.

Opt-in theory of career development
On the other hand opt-in theory define thing inside out. In this situation student ask the right question i.e. who am I, what I want to do, where I want to go, how I could reach there? Additionally what is important for me, what interests me, does it matches to my personality. They does not follow other VIP's (Value, Interests and Personality) rather they define and follow their own VIP's Value, Interests and Personality. They opt in for occupations for which they find themselves suitable, capable and passionate. They does not follow the gold rather goal, which is well defined, refined for career success.

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