Saturday, August 11, 2012

Expectations from the Pakistani Students in 21st Century.

Pakistani colleges and universities are doing a poor job of preparing graduates for today's workplace. The biggest weakness, in the secondary and post-secondary education sector, is the lack of experience, knowledge and willingness to know how today's workplace works.

Educational policy makers and administrators could not relate to the challenges graduates are facing in finding work and trying to make their living from contract, temporary, part-time and unrelated employment.

The main challenge for colleges and universities is how to bring out students with an entrepreneurial attitude and approach in doing business and finding work.

At present, our graduates expect that someone is going to offer them a job or they will apply for a job and will get it. When this does not happen, many hopeful graduates give up and end up in doing low paying jobs in the careers that has nothing to do with their qualifications and interests.

If our talented young people who have the brains and determination to graduate can't find meaningful work, then we need to address this issue seriously and now!

Graduates could not afford to wait for the colleges and universities to enter into the 21st century. They need to learn how to package, market and sell themselves effectively to employers and businesses; find hidden work opportunities and create their own jobs as well as their destination.

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