Saturday, August 11, 2012

ABCDE and F of Social Media

Are you new to social media? Learn the ABCDE and F with us and the rest will follow.

Add value to conversation, talk something new and relevant, don't talk about yourself only. Every person has unique, therefore talk from your unique perspective, experience and knowledge.

Build relations, networking is a two way street, not only thing of what I can get also think of what I can give. build relations with a genuine attitude of 'how can I help you'

Communicate, that's how people know you, don't thing that adding your profile on social networking site will bring results (whatever your goals are) Communicate your presence by sharing ideas, knowledge and best practices in your field.

Differentiate yourself from other by communicating your unique value in the form of your accomplishments, contributions and what other people say about you. Your personal brand is not what you say about yourself, it is how others perceive you.

Engage people in a meaningful conversation ask relevant questions, answer right questions. Be consistent, be present and be engaging.

Failure in social media is caused by the absence of personal brand. People fail to promote their personal brand by
  • Not promoting themselves even with a simple use of business cards, email signatures, and personal websites.
  • Incomplete LinkedIn and other social media profiles
  • Lack of consistency in communicating
  • Fail to engage their audience or reader
  • Attitude of getting in and not giving out
  • Following marketer rather then subject experts

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