Sunday, July 21, 2013

Interview with Raza Abbas – Pioneer of Institutional Career Counseling in Pakistan

I've recently got an opportunity to interview Mr. Raza Abbas, Global Career Practitioner who has the honor of being the pioneer of professionalizing career counseling and career guidance in Pakistan. He consistently presents diverse research papers at premier international career counseling and career guidance conferences in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. He has acquired more than a decade of experiences in career guidance, career counseling, career development, human resources and leadership development.
Mr. Raza Abbas completed dual degrees from The University of Arizona, USA and earned certifications in leadership and personal development from the United States of America. He was also professionally trained in career counseling and career guidance from the Internationally Renowned Career Services Department at The University of Arizona, USA.
Following is a script of my interview with Mr. Raza Abbas (RA):
Career Pro: Please tell us about your recent visit to an international career conference in Italy.
RA: First of all thank you for the opportunity to share my humble experiences to a global and national audience. I submitted my research paper which was peer reviewed by two independent members of the Scientific Committee comprising of PhD global scholars in the field of career counseling and they unanimously accepted my paper: “Institutionalized Career Counseling Model: Creating Hope” at the International Conference “Life Design and Career Counseling Building Hope & Resilience”, held in Padova, Italy in June 20-22, 2013.
The theme of the International Conference was "Building Hope and Resilience". Research Professionals and Career Practitioners from all parts of the world congregated at the world renowned University of Padova in Italy to share their thoughts and ideas on the subject.
Career Pro: Could you summarize the paper you've presented there for us.
RA: Pakistan currently has a population bonus in which more than 60% of the population comprises of the youth. Therefore, Career Counseling and Career Guidance should be institutionalized in the country at all educational institutions as it is the need of the hour to guide our youth.
I emphasized that due to the acute shortage of skilled career practitioners in the country it is imperative to train the distinguish faculty at educational institutions in career counseling. Similarly, career counseling should be implemented as a policy at educational institutions in the country which will lead to a win/win situation for the students, educators, parents and employers. I further mentioned that our organization has developed a researched based institutionalized teacher training program for schools, colleges and universities in Pakistan and the region.
Career Pro: Why did you select this topic for your paper?
RA: Great question, I noticed that career counseling is no longer a luxury in the country it has now become an acute need for the youth to have productive and sustainable careers. Currently we do not have a concrete system of executing professional career counseling so I felt it will be fruitful to write a research paper on institutionalizing career counseling. Through this pioneering research we are providing a system to educational institutions to implement for the betterment of their valuable students and further increase the reputation of their respective institute.
Career Pro: What response you've acquired from international career professionals regarding your efforts for institutional career counseling in Pakistan?
RA: Well it was a humble experience to be acknowledged and appreciated by Global Scholars and experts in the field of career counseling and career guidance who have published significantly. They endorsed and appreciated the teacher training program and wished the best for this institutionalized career counseling program.
Career Pro: In an international and regional (south-east Asian) context where do you think Pakistan stands in a career development field?
RA: Well it will not be fair to compare Pakistan with the international arena as career professionals in the west and South Asia have practiced professional career counseling for decades. The promising factor is we have entered the international arena and have been endorsed and acknowledged for our pioneering professional efforts in the field of career development, counseling and guidance relatively soon while other emerging countries take longer time to materialize and achieve.
With respect to South-Asia we need to increase the professional advocacy of the career counselling and guidance profession in Pakistan. Internationally and in South Asia, Career Counseling and Career Guidance is already part of youth public policy and the youth in their respective countries receives career counseling as a civic right. There are legislatures for promoting career counseling and career guidance.
In our country we must appreciate and acknowledge the Government, Education & Literacy Department and Youth Affairs Department for initiating career counseling and career guidance projects for the youth for which I am grateful in being the part of that pioneering program.
After seeing the Government’s interest and support the International Donor organizations have also contributed in Career Counseling and Career Guidance projects in Pakistan. However there are numerous diverse opportunities to be accomplished to sustain career counseling and career guidance in the country.
Career Pro: Tell us more about your Institutional Career Guidance program and its scope in 
RA: The Institutional Career Guidance program is holistic and involves all the relevant stakeholders in its teacher training program i.e students, educators, parents and employers. As there is acute awareness of career counseling and career guidance training in the country I have conceptualized a pilot program. The teacher training content addresses issues and challenges the youth have experienced in the past and is institutionalized and solution based program for the respective institute staff and youth.
Career Pro: What would be your take home message, after attending this conference, for career professionals in Pakistan?
RA: It is always wonderful to represent the country at such prestigious international conferences. It reflects the positive side of our country. Career Professionals my message to all of you: “Have hope and believe in yourself and believe in the nation because we have incredible talent. We have done wonders in the past and have the ability to do it again after all we are known to be a resilient nation.
Professional Career Counseling and Career Guidance is now a reality in Pakistan. Now it is the responsibility of educational institution stakeholders, distinguished teachers and the corporate sector through its corporate social responsibility to take advantage of this pioneering teacher training program and play their important part in this inspirational and meaningful program in the country’s history”.
Raza Abbas, Global Career Practitioner - he can be contacted at:

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