Thursday, April 12, 2012

Career Counseling in Pakistan

We have guided missiles for the defense of country but the great asset of any nation, Pakistani Youth is unguided, said famous student trainer Qasim Ali Shah. It is fact; there is no trend ofcareer counseling in Pakistan. Our educational institutes never thought about the career counseling of Pakistani students. All the developed countries like America, China and other European countries have developed the trend of career counseling or career guidance. There are some big renowned institutions now started career counseling in Pakistan.

The experts believes that the purpose of life should be determine first and then people should do work hard to getting that goal or purpose. If you didn’t know where you have to go, how would you reach there? Nipolean Hill, a personality development expert said that all the successful persons of the world had determined their goal or destination before reaching at peak.

It is fact that all the field of study and job fields requires special qualities and abilities in a person to join it and to perform well in that field. Career counselors explore the personality of a person and suggest some fields for further studies and to do job. Due to lack of career counseling in Pakistan, students mostly don’t know about the study fields after matric and they are familiar with only just three fields, Engineering, Medical and Arts. After Matric exams everyone wants to be a doctor or engineering because they didn’t know any other field of study. As the result of this most of the students who have not attitude of these fields also got admission in engineering or medical. But due to lack of interest because it is not according to their personality large number of students couldn’t perform well in intermediate and due to this they fail to get admission in medical or engineering colleges. These students get frustrated and leave their study.

There are lots of people you will find in different organizations and companies at high posts that look unfit at that post because they got this post due to their degree or some other ways but he/she has not attitude of that field. It is all because of lack of career counseling in Pakistan.

In the world there are lots of ways for judging a person’s personality traits and experts judge his/her personality and suggest some fields for him/her. Now you can see that the trend of career counseling is developing in Pakistan also but very slowly. There are lots of student trainer and counselor you would find in your society who are working for the studentsbenefits. Famous TV anchor and columnist Javed Chaudhry is conducting seminars and lectures for the counseling ofstudents. He visits different colleges and universities in Lahore, Islamabad and Faisalabad to deliver his lectures. Similarly student trainer and counselor Qasim Ali Shah is also very much famous among students and teachers for his informative and motivational lectures. Syed Bilal Qutab, TV anchor also doing the same job in a very good manner.

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1 comment:

  1. There are a lot of Career options that one can go for. So, seeking the advice of proper counselors is very important.

