Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Career Pakistan: Reverse Brain Drain Program

Career Pakistan has an interesting Reverse Brain Drain Program, and many other similar projects with the following mission in mind.
Career Pakistan assists individuals with foreign education or overseas work experience find appropriate jobs in Pakistan.
For Pakistan's economic competitiveness, the country must strive to attract and retain world-class professionals in various segments of the economy. Individuals with foreign education or overseas work experience are in a peerless position to become carriers of this expertise to Pakistan. Many times these individuals, with affiliations to globally celebrated universities and organizations, possess training and expertise of exceptional value. Furthermore, the ensuing chains of knowledge-transfer spearheading from each arriving professional can cause a catalytic effect on the managerial, technical, and policy-making capacities of organizations here. When viewed cumulatively, the contribution of such highly qualified professionals can thus mobilize a persuasive influence on national development. However, to relocate to Pakistan, and subsequently to continue residence in the country, these individuals aspire for an agreeable job in Pakistan.
Career Pakistan matches overseas professionals with appropriate jobs in Pakistan to help reverse Pakistan's brain drain. Additionally, Career Pakistan also aids professionals with foreign education or overseas work experience already working in Pakistan find better career opportunities here. The overarching end in both cases is to attract as well as to retain talent.

1 comment:

  1. really great and nice article about jobs in pakistan. i think there is very unemployment in pakistan, and now govt need to take action about unemployment in pakistan.

