Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Relationship between Career Development and Educational Development

The Relationship between Career Development and Educational Development: A Selected Review of the Literature

Dr. David Blustein, Professor, Boston College

A key assumption of current career development practice is that students who are able to understand and internalize the connections between school and work will be more actively engaged in their academic tasks and will be more likely to succeed in high school (Hamilton, 1994; Solberg, Howard, Blustein, & Close, 2002). Indeed, this assumption has guided many of the secondary school reforms of the last decade (Blustein, Juntunen, & Worthington, 2000; Howard, Solberg, Blustein, & Close, 2002). This section of the guidebook will identify some of the more important bodies of work that provide solid evidence to support this position.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Leadership conference concludes

Dubai - 2 January 2012

The youth have been advised to fix the goals and to do their best to achieve them.

Jamil Ahmed Khan, Pakistan Ambassador to the UAE, told the delegates of the concluding session of the Youth in Action leadership conference in Dubai that the youth must have a vision.

“They must have a role model to follow. They must set goals and go for them,” he said. “The youth are the hope of the future. It is therefore necessary to develop them with the right guidance,” Jamil said.