Sunday, February 21, 2010

Career Guidance and Counseling in Pakistan

When you google Career “Guidance and Counseling in Pakistan”, the first link you’ll see is an article written by Farah A. Ibrahim and Iffat Almas some 27 year ago. Since then I suppose we haven’t done any, substantial enough, research that could be published in any international journal. (I would be more then happy to see if there are any)

Following is the summary of that article and a question.

Farah A. Ibrahim (University of Connecticut, USA) and Iffat Almas (Institute of Educational Vocational Guidance and Counseling, USA) 1983

Summary This article traces the development of the guidance and counseling movement in Pakistan. Guidance and counseling services in the educational and vocational domains emerged as a result of the efforts of the Pakistan Federation of University Women and other organizations (both national and international). The article presents the development of a philosophical base and how this movement is changing the perception of what education should entail in the schools, the college, and university. The educational and vocational guidance and counseling movement is on the brink of becoming a national reality at all educational levels.

I am wondering are we any near to “The educational and vocational guidance and counseling movement” or it “on the brink of becoming a national reality at all educational levels.” in Pakistan?

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